Stauferburg Hohenecken

Förderverein Burg Hohenecken e.V.

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Wir tun was

wir tun was

Der Förderverein Burg Hohenecken e. V. ist im Landesportal Ehrenamt "Wir tun was" Rheinland Pfalz eingestellt. In diesem Portal finden sich Ehrungen, Hinweise zum Versicher-ungsschutz der Ehrenämter etc.


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Unter diesem Titel wurde 2006 ein europäisches Modellprojekt zur behutsamen Inwertsetzung der europäischen Wege der Jakobspilger in Teilen des Saarlandes, der Pfalz, Lothringens und des Elsass ins Leben gerufen.

Sternenweg/Chemin des étoiles mit interaktiver Karte und Routenplan.




At this place flax was prepared for its use in clothes production.
This process was called „retzen“ or „rösten“, originally „rotten“.
Flax or linum belongs to the oldest plant fibres people made clothes from.
The glue inside the fibre is dissolved by bacteria and fungus and the parts of
the fibre were separated by the process of breaking, swinging and heckling.
After this, the fabric was spun to a yarn and then processed into linnen.

Two different processes of retting existed: the retting on the ground,
were the stems were put on an meadow for a few weeks to dry.
Another method is the retting fo the flax in cold water in fountains or moats.
There the „Retzenbrunnen“ got it´s name from.


The water catchment of the Schlossberg fountain is unique in the region.
It was a water supply consisting of an arch-shaped dead well extending
around the toe wall.
Originally it was 60 meters long, today only a short
part is left. A few year ago it was
labouriously renovated. Systems like
that existed in the middle ages, but we don´t know the
date of construction
of our dead well.

Under particular geological condicions some sediment layers may contain water.
To collect this water, small channels were cut into the rock. A large wall made
of sandstone was erected and large stone slabs were used to cover the system.

This tunnel prevented the water from dirt and evaporation.

St. Rochus

In the year 1877 King Ludwig II passed a decree whereby Hohenecken,
Dansenberg an parts of the Breitenau should form an independent
catholic community. The first Church of Hohenecken- today´s
Rochuschapel- was too small for the increasing number of believers.
By collection and various support it was possible to enable the
groundbreaking ceremony for the new church. It took only 1,5 years
to build the church St. Rochus and on the 20th september 1897 the
inauguration took place. The construction plan in neo-Gothic style
was made by the architect Ludwig Becker who lived in Cologne.

The steep track, starting at Hildegardstraße, used to show the Station
of the Cross until the First World War. The track endet on the eastern
peak of the castle hill were still today a cross is located (near the playground).

It also plays a role in the tale of the buried treasure.


Burgkalender 2024 ist da!

Burgkalender 2024 Burgkalender 2024

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

liebe Freunde und Förderer der Burg Hohenecken,

die neuen druckfrischen "Burgkalender 2024 - "Historische Postkarten Hohenecken" sind eingetroffen mit vielen interessanten Informationen rund um Alt Hohenecken, Burg und Schlossberg, Projekte und Aktivitäten des Fördervereins Burg Hohenecken e.V.

Jetzt bestellen - ein schönes Geschenk für die ganze Familie, Freunde und alle lieben Leute aus nah und fern.

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Es gibt etwas zu feiern auf der Burg

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A Message from the past

Article in the Rheinpfalz from November 20th 2020

from Heidelore Kruse